Five Bad To Worst Book To Movie Adaptations
A s a book reader there is nothing more nerve wrecking than seeing a movie based on the book you have read. I think it is difficult to completely please a book reader because we all have different interpretations and different actor/actress imagined in our heads to play a certain role. I mean, come on, who doesn't visualize their favorite book scenes? It's fun! But we readers are also aware that as amazing as the book might have been not everything can be shown in a two hour and something movie ( we are a compromising lot, you see )What irks me is when the movie makers butcher the entire story while only keeping the name of the book but none of its plot which results in an end product that lets down everyone who has ever grown attached to the book. The Vampire Academy In all fairness, this movie does make an attempt to stay true to the book and the whole Moroi and Dhampir hierarchy is well explained but...