Top Ten Badass YA Females

       YA books are notoriously famous for producing a slew of of miss goody two shoes and too sweet albeit spineless female protagonists which is rather annoying and no fun  because as a reader I enjoy reading about female characters who are strong , gutsy ,have mind of their own and aren't scared of standing up for what they believe in.

     Rose From Vampire Academy Series

The beautiful and fierce Rose Hathaway literally taught me the meaning of badass. She is beautiful ,she dangerous and she knows it. She is fiercely loyal to her bestfriend, Lisa and undeterred by others opinion of her but say a word against Lisa and she'll make sure you regret. Under Dimitri's mentorship she turns into a Dhampir who despite experiencing heartache , PTSD and a whole lot of obstacles isn't afraid of getting into the battlefield and killing some strigoi.

  Jude From The Flock Of The Air Trilogy

It's not easy when you are a human in a realm full of cunning and deadly fey who posses magic. But what Jude lacks she makes up with her perseverance, tenacity,  spine of steel and wits after all, it's not an ordinary feat to be able to trick an incredibly cunning fey prince into doing your bidding and rule the entire fey kingdom.

      Katniss From The Hunger Games Trilogy 

She is the reason why a lot of people I know (including myself )wanted to take up archery.  She raises from nothing and lays a tyrant government to waste, if this doesn't scream badass I don't know what does! Katniss has got bravery in spades but she also shows vulnerability and a sense of sacrifice as well that makes her character  all the more interesting to read about or watch her onscreen because who doesn't like seeing the incredible Jennifer Lawrence play this badass character ?

Alosa from Daughter of the Pirate King Duology 

Cunning and charming with a devil may care attitude, these are the words that best describe Alosa , she is like the female version of Jack Sparrow. She captains an all girls crew (if that isn't super cool in itself) they are the only few people she cares about .She isn't afraid of getting on to the enemies' ship and manipulating them or fighting those who get on her bad side because once Alosa marks someone as her enemy she doesn't stop until she rids the seas of them.


       Aelin From The Throne Of Glass Series

You know it's going to be a badass character when she carries the title  'Fire breathing bitch queen' .Aelin is everything you expect form a strong female protagonist and more. She has got loads of determination ,viciousness and she has lived her live as a trained assassin well versed in the art of killing before rightfully taking her throne. The girl is simply unstoppable!

      Cinder from the Lunar Chronicles                                                Series 

To be honest, all the ladies in the Lunar chronicles are badass in their own ways but Cinder for me takes a higher spot because she is a hardworking girl who runs her own mechanic shop and is good enough that the prince himself comes to her in secret to get his robot fixed. The highlight for me is the epic way she gate crashes the celebration going on in the palace at the end of the first book and of course, all the dangers she faces as a fugitive of the kingdom as the series proceeds and she manages to emerge victorious all the time.

         Susannah From The Mediator Series 

She has been seeing ghosts since she was a kid and helps them accept their death and move but before you brand her as mediocre mediator she will awe and delight you with her wit ,sass (boy is she ever low on sass!) This gutsy girl isn't afraid of exorcising stubborn ghosts on school grounds after dark or going back in time and solving a cold blooded murder even if it brings her face to face with the murderer.

           Annabeth from Percy Jackson Series 

It is no wonder this demi god from the Athena cabin is on this list because she isn't just a genius she is also an amazing fighter who can't just slay monsters with her knife but also solve ancient mind boggling puzzles. Given how care free Percy and Grover are they definitely need Annabeth to keep themselves alive. 

                                    Katsa from Graceling 

She is a talented assassin with a strange grace. She has veins of steel as she survives a tyrant king while also protecting a baby in dead of winter when all she has is herself and a handful of weapons to fight for their lives. She survives all the odds stacked up against her, be it betrayal , court politics or the harsh winters nothing can stand in this girl's way.

              Alice From The Last Apprentice                   Chronicles 

She perhaps the most interesting character in the series . A  young witch who hails from a family of violent and bloodthirsty  witches. Alice is a perpetually grey shaded character with magical powers that tend to turn her vicious yet she constantly fights her dark side and at times comes scarily close to tipping over but you can't begrudge her that because  that's the beauty of her character ,she is extremely unpredictable and will always keep you wondering.


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